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Fit & Focused in 52: The Rider’s Weekly Mind-and-Body Training Companion
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“Daniel's riderspecific programs are a must for any serious equestrian athlete. His exercises are a valuable part of the Dartmouth Equestrian Team, and I highly recommend his mental and physical riding programs.” Sally Batton, Dartmouth Equestrian Team Head Coach, Founder of the Athletic Equestrian League“Daniel Stewart's mental and physical training exercises would be a great addition to any rider's program. I'm a big fan of his and love reading his articles I send them to all my students because I know everyone can benefit from becoming more confident, focused, and fit and Daniel's equestrian sport psychology and fitness programs are a great way to do it!” Boyd Martin, US Olympian“Behind every great athlete is an even greater mental game. That's where Daniel Stewart comes in.” Laine Ashker, Advanced Level Eventing Champion, American Eventing Championships 2013Trafalgar Square Books consistently releases outstanding equestrian material and Fit and Focused in 52: The Rider's Weekly Mind-and-Body Training Companion is no exception. Daniel Stewart, a seasoned professional in the art of training riders of all levels throughout the world, has created a fitness program that will improve horsemanship and improve one's health. It features a comprehensive workout plan for every week of the year. Some of the equestrian inspired exercises Coach Stewart introduces are canter crunches, bucket planks, and trot pole squats. Before readers reach the exercise portion of the book they'll learn how to prepare themselves, body and mind, for the workout to come. Stewart helps to build core strength, stamina, and balance. The well-known coach insists that “only when your physical and mental abilities come togetherwhen brain and body meet, and your frame and frame of mind become oneare you really able to try tap into your inner greatness”. In addition to the weekly exercises and the proper instruction on how to execute those exercises, Fit and Focused in 52 is filled with facts to keep you focused, positive reinforcement notes, and tips for maintaining good posture throughout the fitness journey. This book is incredibly easy to use, organized very well, and has pictures to accompany each exercise. Descriptions of each exercise are well written and easy to understand. The end goal of following the Fit and Focused in 52 program is to attain a full-on fitness that ensures improved performance on horseback, whatever you age, ability or discipline. Cowgirl Magazine“The clever organization leads the reader through the program, one step at a time, so she never becomes overwhelmed or intimidated.”USDF ConnectionLooking to take your riding to the next level, seriously? Coach Daniel Stewart has you covered in Fit & Focused in 52 Weeks, a rider's mind and body training manual that will help you get mentally and physically set for show season. The guide is split into a 52-week program that gives the rider challenges in getting in shape and mindfulness. The fun, yet doable challenges are easy to follow and can be done by anyone, regardless of discipline or age. With plenty of photos and tips, this inspirational guide is like having Daniel Stewart training right there with you. BOTTOM LINE: Improve your fitness with this easy to follow guide. Equine Journal“Daniel Stewart's Fit and Focused in 52is intended for all riders, from the goal-oriented showman to the recreational trail rider. All you need to possess in order to get something out of this book is a desire to improve as a horseman—mentally and physically. ” Horse NationI'm going to cut right to the chase with this book review: this is a book that I wish I had had when I was riding more competitively, especially on an intercollegiate team. This is a book I wish I had had when I was coaching an intercollegiate team. The beautiful thing with rider mind-and-body fitness, of course, is that it’s never too late, so I’m really glad I have this book now.Horse Nation“Daniel Stewart has put together a wonderful mental coaching program, and I know riders everywhere will really enjoy and benefit from it!” Lucinda Fredericks, Olympic Silver Medalist“After attending one of Daniel's workshop sessions, I always feel energized to go home, work harder, and do more with my horse. His blend of psychological and physical training reminds us that we are athletic partners to our horses, and we need to prepare ourselves for competition with the same fervor we prepare out mounts. With this book, I now have Daniel's encouragement and support in the comfort of my own home. This book can't replace an inperson session with Daniel, but it is the next best option!” Erin Woodall, Activities and Events Director, US Pony Clubs, Inc.
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About the Author
Coach Daniel Stewart has been a successful international trainer and instructor for over 30 years, working with riders in the United States, Spain, Portugal, England, Canada, Mexico, Switzerland, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, Greece, and the West Indies. From 1999 to 2007 he coached riders on several US Equestrian Teams at World Championships, World Equestrian Games, and the Olympics. Coach Stewart teaches riding clinics and seminars to thousands of riders each year and is currently a consultant for USA Equestrian and USA pentathlon. He's a soughtafter keynote speaker for many national conventions, and is the equestrian sport psychology expert for the USEA, USPC, USHJA, as well as other equestrian associations. Widely considered one of the world's leading experts on equestrian sport psychology, athletics, and performance, Coach Stewart is the author of three books and produces weekly equestrian sport psychology video tips, rider fitness video classes, and instructor certification videos through his Pressure Proof Academy. He teaches multiday Equestrian Athlete Camps at some of America's most elite athlete training centers, helping riders prove that they are athletes. When not on the road, he resides in Naples, Florida (
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Product details
Spiral-bound: 184 pages
Publisher: Trafalgar Square Books; Spi edition (December 26, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1570768072
ISBN-13: 978-1570768071
Product Dimensions:
10 x 1 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.9 out of 5 stars
9 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#87,025 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I'm not sure why I ordered this book since I no longer have horses, but it sounded intriguing. I'm following the weekly format for the mental exercises and am enjoying them very much, as well as the writing style of the author. There's warmth and humor and I'm learning new ways to approach daily life. The physical exercises look very appropriate if riding is still a part of your life.
Lots of inspiring and motivating tips to improve riding skills, whether one aspires to compete or just grow as a rider. For me, nothing revolutionary, just a well-organized reminder of a systematic approach to fitness for the rider, and some new ways to look at exercising for condition, fitness, and suppleness.
Very well written and encouraging. Loved tidbits and insight. Made me excited about using it for the helpful tidbits and uplifting thoughts. Worth the read... now to act. :)
Fantastic Equine based fitness book. Easy to understand and to follow. Very relatable information with out being overwhelming. Coach Stewart has done it again in creating a great book for a cross discipline approach to equestrian fitness
This is an awesome book. It’s a great way to stay fit during winter and great way to get stronger after hip surgery.
Love it!
Great book, great program
A good, heavily illustrated book that introduces positive coaching combined with physical exercise, all tailored to equestrians.Contents (the 52 topics):Part 1:My Fit & Focused PhilosophyChapter One: Hips, Heels, Hands, Horse, Head,Health, and HeartChapter Two: Calm, Cool, Collected, Confident,Courageous, Cheerful, Centered,Capable, ConsistentStay in the ZoneOwn Your MistakesAdapt to PressureRelax and Enjoy the RideChapter Three: Strength, Stamina, Suppleness,Stability, Sportsmanship, Symmetry, SuccessSpecificity of SportOverloadingAdd EquipmentRespect Your BodyPart 2: The Fit & Focusedin 52 Tips and ExercisesChapter Four: Before You BeginIntroduction to the 52 Focus TipsIntroduction to the 52 Fitness ExercisesOn Your Mark, Get Set…Week 1Focus: The Five-Second FavorFitness: Jumper JacksWeek 2Focus: Get in the ZoneFitness: Canter CrunchesWeek 3Focus: The When/Then TechniqueFitness: Bucket PlanksWeek 4Focus: The How-Come TrickFitness: Medicine Ball Pony PatWeek 5Focus: The Name GameFitness: Jolly JumperWeek 6Focus: Get To, Want To, But Not Have ToFitness: Jump Touch Two PointWeek 7Focus: Attitude of GratitudeFitness: Balance-Pod Jumper JacksWeek 8Focus: Pay It ForwardFitness: Trot Pole SquatsWeek 9Focus: Your Daily Shot of CFitness: Rider BurpeesWeek 10Focus: GPSFitness: Pole PostsWeek 11Focus: Power PostureFitness: Stability Ball Squat JumpsWeek 12Focus: Present vs. PerformerFitness: Pole Leg-YieldsWeek 13Focus: Fit In and Stand OutFitness: Block Jumper JacksWeek 14Focus: More Is BetterFitness: Medicine Ball Canter CrunchesWeek 15Focus: Pre-Performance RoutinesFitness: Pole Pony PatsWeek 16Focus: Pre-Ride RitualFitness: Stable Board JumpsWeek 17Focus: Prime-Ride RitualsFitness: Double-Pole Balance JumpsWeek 18Focus: Post-Ride RitualsFitness: Medicine Ball BurpeeWeek 19Focus: What’s Your Excuse?Fitness: Fitness-Loop Jumper JacksWeek 20Focus: Athletic AnthemsFitness: Block Canter CrunchesWeek 21Focus: Your Power PlaceFitness: Bucket JumpsWeek 22Focus: Oops! My BadFitness: Two-Point Speed RopeWeek 23Focus: Personal Movie TrailerFitness: Leg-Yield LadderWeek 24Focus: Half-Way There!Fitness: Pole Jumper JacksWeek 25Focus: Dress for SuccessFitness: Board and Band PlanksWeek 26Focus: Positively Positive PeopleFitness: Bucket BurpeeWeek 27Focus: Athletic AcronymsFitness: Jump Standard SitsWeek 28Focus: Mojo MantraFitness: Medicine Ball BOSU JumpsWeek 29Focus: Location AssociationFitness: Bucket Block Canter CrunchWeek 30Focus: Task TriggerFitness: Pod PlanksWeek 31Focus: Attention GetterFitness: Stable Board Jumper JacksWeek 32Focus: DesensitizationFitness: Balance-Pole Jumps with a Jolly BallWeek 33Focus: FloodingFitness: Ladder TwistWeek 34Focus: Action DistractionFitness: Block Jump UpWeek 35Focus: I’m So Excited!Fitness: Stable-Board Canter CrunchWeek 36Focus: Question SuggestionFitness: Pod JumpsWeek 37Focus: Change It, Don’t Stop ItFitness: Bucket-Pole Jumper JacksWeek 38Focus: Picture ThisFitness: Stable-Board BurpeesWeek 39Focus: Plan Your Ride, Ride Your PlanFitness: Shoulder-Band JumpsWeek 40Focus: The QuickieFitness: Ground-Pole Lateral WorkWeek 41Focus: Hurry Up and WaitFitness: Ball Pod PlankWeek 42Focus: Oh Crap!Fitness: Rope PostsWeek 43Focus: Compliments to ConfidenceFitness: Bucket Pole JumpsWeek 44Focus: Motivate, Don’t HesitateFitness: Balance Pod Pony PatWeek 45Focus: Dread It? Then Do It!Fitness: Block BurpeeWeek 46Focus: Too Good for Your Own GoodFitness: Band JumpsWeek 47Focus: Going for the GoalFitness: Block and Bucket JumpWeek 48Focus: Brain BabbleFitness: Stable-Board Pony PatWeek 49Focus: Willpower, Horsepower, and Why-powerFitness: Block and Bucket Jumper JacksWeek 50Focus: Ride, Reward, RepeatFitness: Cross-Rail JumpsWeek 51Focus: Leave a LegacyFitness: BOSU-Ball BurpeeWeek 52Focus: Vision BoardFitness: Ladder Jumper JacksFinaleEquestrian Athlete Camps at the USOC Training CenterPressure Proof Video Academy
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